Jane Breskin Zalben
Distinctions / Awards
Sydney Taylor Silver Medal Honor Book 2019 A Moon for Moe & Mo
Junior Literary Guild Award Selection 2018 A Moon for Moe & Mo
Kirkus Review Best Books 2018 A Moon for Moe & Mo
Queens College "80 Wows" list of famous alumni, 2017
Calling Caldecott List 2013 (Horn Book)
4 Silver Honor Medals Sydney Taylor Award:
Beni’s First Chanukah, Holt 1989, Pearl’s Passover, S & S 2003, Light, Dutton/ Penguin 2008
Koret Foundation Finalist 2005 – First award given Jewish Children’s Literature
Finalist for the William Allen White award – Unfinished Dreams, YA novel on AIDS 1997
Bank Street College of Education, Best Books List cited several times
New York Public Library 100 best books list (several times)
International Reading Association and Parent’s Choice Award best books lists (many times)
CBC/Notable for Non-fiction works
American Library Association notables
Smithsonian / The White House asked me to paint on a wooden Easter egg they supplied, 1984
American Institute of Graphic Arts, Art Director 1976
Selected Publications
SCBWI Bulletin, Interviews 2014 Famous Author/Artists
“Children & Libraries” – American Library Association Journal / profiled my work 2004 and 2013
Sunday New York Times feature articles on me / work – 1986, 1996, 2005 with photos.
Newsday Feature profiles with color spreads, 1997, 2004
Wall Street Journal, Newsday Articles, Publisher’s Weekly profiles
Poetry article in Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators Nation-wide Bulletin 2005
SCBWI Manhattan Regional NYC Bulletin 2005
LA Times Feature Article, 1996
The New Advocate Profile 1990 pgs. 175 -178
Ms. Magazine July 1981 8-page feature of my book for Letty C. Pogrebin, Editor-in-Chief
Art Direction Magazine Feature Profile “Upcoming Artist” 1980